Pauls Valley Democrat from Pauls Valley, Oklahoma (2024)

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Pauls Valley, Oklahoma

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THURSDAY JANUARY 23 1947 PAULS VALLEY DEMOCRAT PAGE THREE Hitchhikes 6750 Miles inWheelchair Honor Rolls At Jefferson School Are Announced HELD TUESDAY TO BE TUESDAY Gi'J v'ft 2 Minister Choir Singer Return Home TheRev Daniel Reedy Grand Rapids Michigan center a Methodist minister for 25 years demanded examination on adultry charges when he was arraigned before Police Judge Edward Burleson Reedy is accompanied by Grand Rapids detective John DeBlaay left At right is Mrs Mary Marguerite Cowles 40 wife of a Grand Rapids salesman who wept in the office of the County Prosecutor as she awaited transfer to the Receiving Hospital to undergo a phychiatric examination With Rev Reedy 54 she was named in a warrant charging adultry The couple were arrested in Kalnmazoo Michigan as they returned from an admitted trip to Dallas Texas (NEA Telephotos! A £3 Wesley Engquist 26-year-old infantlW paralysis victim from Fremont Neb grins happily near end of his 6750-mile hitchhiking trip to Warm Springs Ga for treatment Setting out in mid-August Engquist traversed 13 states got 75 rides from friendly trie diii er- Raveled some 550 miles under bis own City Man Dies Sunday In Oklahoma City As Heart Attack Result Funeral services were held at the Stufflebean Funeral home chapel here at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon for Harry Hunt assistant manager of the Alvis hotel here who died of a heart attack in Oklahoma City early Sundav Hunt 60 years old was stricken Thursday night and was removed to the Wesley hospital He had been in Oklahoma City since the legislature convened Rev LeRoy Massengale pastor of the Methodist church officiated He was assisted by Rev Charles Nln-ingcr minister of the First Christian church Burial was in Mt Olivet cemetery Hunt was unsuccessful candidate for the state legislature from Oarvln county at last summer's election He formerly served as a legislator from Osage county A native of Arkansas Hunt was a graduate of the University of Arkansas and the University of Missouri He was associated with his fattier in the mercantile business in Paw-huska for several years and during tlie Leon Phillips administration he was employed in the state highway department He came to Pauls Valley about four years ago He has no immediate survivors TATUM GOES TO MARYLAND AS GRID MENTOR NORMAN Okla Jan Big Jim Tatum naemd hentl football conch nnd athletic director at the University of Maryland left by plane today to confer with officials at his new school Tlie 32-yenr-old mentor was released from his three-year contract as head football roach at the nvtvrsity of Oklahoma Saturday after turning down an offer by the board of regents to extend hiis contract to seven years at $12000 annually Charles Bud) Wilkinson 81 assistant couch was appointed to succeed Tatum as head coach at Oklahoma at undisclosed terms Tatum succeeds Clark Shaughnessy as coach of the old liners and Maryland President Byrd said that although the University was forbidden to give long term contracts a arrangement" had been made guaranteeing his continuance in the job at least five fives Salary figures were not announced Walter Drlskill another of Tatum's assistants will accompany him to Maryland as a member of the coaching staff Tatum wdll return to Norman to assist Wilkinson until February 1 McCord Given Year Then Gets Freedom Frank McCord was a free man today a year's sentence Imposed on him having been ruled bv Judge Ben Williams as having boon served during the 10 months lie was in the rountv jail McCord was charged approximately 10 months ago with second degree forperv for allegedly passing a $10 worthless cheek and had been held for action Tuesday he went before Judge Williams in district court and entered a plea of guilty Tlie judge sentenced him to one year then released him holding the time he remained in the county jail was sufficient to cover th year's sentence Tlie Alaskan herd of fur seals is estimated to be worth about $100 000 -000 Beware Coughs common colds That Hang On Creomulsion relieves promptly because it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to aoothe and heal raw tender inflamed bronchial mucous membranes TeU your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have vour money back CREOMULSION For Coughs Chest Colds Bronchiti TFrom where Andy Botlcin'a mighty proud of the first dollar he made He'a got It framed and hanging beside hia license in the Garden Tavern I Of course a big difference between that dollar bill and what Andy paid for the license giving him the right to earn it Which prompts Willie Wella to say: a heck of a note to have to pay to start a business" what I thought at first says Andy actually that piece of my protection And pour too! It helps keep out Mrs Johhnie Diffie principal announced today Jefferson grade school's honor rolls for the last six weeks period and for the first semester of the current school term The semester roll includes: AH Lee Ann Williams Majority grades Jackie Lee Warren Wilma Acree Gwenna Beth Cagle Wesley Smith Buck-master Bob Luttrell Donna Futrcll Bobbie Ann Daniels Sara Sugsg Shirley Arthurs Cleva Jean Ward Johhnie Lpu Williams Norma Sue Rayburn FYeedie Milsap Shirley Neal Barbara Robison Maxie Wayne Hnr-per Helen Jane Doss Jo Ann Sarratt Barbara Sarratt Karen June Harris Berta Mae Craig and Judy Davenport Nothing below Richard Buck-master Duane Whited Alice Dial Mona Edith Hays Virginia Hayes Annette Leveridge Dwain Layton Ronal Dickson F'rancis Sann Theresa Strickland Lorene Page Patricia Engle Betty Jo Wood Betty Lou Reed Luretha Sneddon Gayle Himes James Barber Pearce Blake Jimmie Heldlage Kenneth Hensley James Tipton Mary Jane Ashley Cynthia Cherry Stewart Floy Mann Lou Ella Morris Shirley Wade Beverly Blake Loyd Aikens Lois Luttrell Dickie Craig Norma Jean Wood Patty Sage Melvin Wagner Phyllis Hammers Freya Heldlage Nancy Rea vis Dorothy Crouch Bon nie Faye Barnes Nancy Barber Anna Mae Arthurs Ouida Nell Williams Shirley Dennie Johnny Ray Barnes Dearl Neal Clara Sue Gibhs Betty Ruth Barnes Merritt Jr Gene Reynolds Betty Rae Cochran Shirley Dennis Jimmie Jarman Lonnie Jarman FYankhn Gibson Ieroy Looney Billy McCauley Roy Shaw Blackwell Pa'tlcii Milhcnn Bobby ivir A 1 'l i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mil mill 11 mil s- 1 1 1 icy Rebecca ICiles Tlictia a Janls Pratt Yvonne thaw Ann Stephens Junelle Williams Lou Ella Dunkin Linda Ann Reads Joe Ray Peterman Sherrill Butts and Georgia Ann Spurgin The six-weeks honor roll included: All Lee Ann Willinms Majority Edwin Milsap Mary Ann Johnson Bobby Engle Jean Arthurs Norma Sue Rayburn Barbara Robison Cleva Ward Johnnie Lou Will-son Cleva Ward Johnnie Lou Williams Jackie Lee Warren Wilma Acree Gwenna Cagle Wesley Smith Buckmaster Bob Luttrell Donna Bobbie Ann Daniels Tommie Williams Sara Suggs Shirley Arthurs Merritt Jr Norma Sue Rayburn Freddie Milsap Shirley Neal Barbara Robison Maxie Wayne Harper Helen Doss Jo Sarratt Karen June Harris Berta Mae Craig and Judy Davenport Nothing below Melvin Waggoner Bonnie Faye Barnes Dorothy Crouch Phyllis Hammer Freya Heid-lage Nancy Reavis Loyd Aikens Norma Jean Wood Joyce Colson Patty Sage Pearce Blake Jimmie Heidlage Kenneth Hensley Mary Jane Ashley Cynthia Fteklin Shirley Wade Bobby Fowler Jimmie Fowler Jackie Livingston Johnie Mantooth Barbara Hartley Rebecca Kiles Theda Jo Neal Janis Pratt Yvonne Shaw Ann Stephens Jo Nell Williams Lou Ella Dunkin Jimmie Jarman Lonnie Jarman Gibson Leroy Looney Billy McCauley Roy Shaw Janell Bluckweil Patricia Milligan Dwain Layton Ronal Dickson Francis Spann Theresa Strickland Uirenc Page Patricia Engle Betty Jo Wood Betty Reed Luretha Sneddon Gayle Himes Dearl Neal Clara Sue Gibbs Bettie Ruth Barnes Richard Buck- master Duane Whited Alice Dial Mona Eddh Hays Edith Hays Annette Leveredue Nancy Lou Barber I Ouida Nell Williams Anna Mae Arthurs Linda Ann Reavis Joe Rnv Peterman Sherill Buies and Georgia Ann Spurgin Buffalo Roundup Is Under Way In Wichita Refuge LAWTON Okla Jan It's round-up time for several hundred buffalo in the Wichita mountains wildlife refuge near here Tlie four-day annual round-up got underway Monday under supervision of William Drummond US forest ranger assisted by members of the Lawton rangers club Drummond snid about 500 buffalo will be corralled for vaccination and bi andlng of the 1946 crop of calves which he estimated to totai about 120 The buffalo herd in the Wichita mountains is the second largest in the nation being topped only by the herd at Yellowstone National Park Buffalo from the refuge are shipped all over the United States to parka and zoos During tlie past three months 100 of the big animals have been shipped out Missing Books Are Sought By Hatcher Countv Attorney Fermon Hatcher said today a check of books In the law library in his office disclosed a number of books missing He asked that anyone who has borrowed books from the library to contact him or Neva- Martin assistant or to return the books if they have finished with them Books missing include: Oklahoma Criminal Reports 13 14 75 16 17 18 19 20 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 and 31 Pacific 73 98 99 100 101 102 151 160 256 and 259 Oklahoma Reports 1 to 9 Inclusive 15 51 to 60 Inclusive 63-64 65-66 87-68 69-70 71-72 73-74 75-76 77-78 79-80 81-82 83-84 85-86 87-88 89-90 91-92 93-94 95-96 97-98 107-108 109-110 115-116 117-118 119-120 121-122 123-124 125-126 127-128 129-130 185 American State Trials Volume 16 Corpus Juris 15 41 STILLWATER Jan 22 for the second semester at Oklahoma oollege will be held Feb 3-4 Final exam start Saturday and continue through Jan 30 yWi Vi 53 v-sLV)f Man Service Here weighing 1200 Vounds and standing 15 hands two inches high Paul who was in the cavalry several years played polo jumped and otherwise wotked with many outstanding horses "He's as good as I r'T of lir of- Ship 223 liii in j- ii'ts! Stalls at 2 3 4 5 6 and 7 and won 8 OHO pounds in England at 9 10 nnd 11 including winning the Grand National steeplechase In 1938 as an 11-year -old at 40-1 odds He is one of only four American horses to win the Grand National biggest horse rac' Paul who owns some thoroughbred mares said the Remount Service assigned the stallion to him as agent for his use and for the use of other horse breeders in this immediate vicinity for the usual government fee The mares must pass inspection and a representative of the Remount Service will check once each month to determine whether Beau's Ship is receiving the proper care NAMES OF NEXT OF KIN SOUGHT Government Scrolls To Be Presented To Families The Local Draft Board here has Sfvcral scrolls from the government honoring men who were killed In service nnd who next to kin the board has been unable to locate Fred Rennie snid today A number of scrolls already have been delivered by the board to the next of kin of servicemen who died in service Rennie said the board lias 27 scrolls honoring mm who'-e next of kin or their nddreres tlie board has been unable to locate information that anyone can furnish concerning families of these men will be appreciated" he said He listed the names of the following men Tommy Alexander Billy Asbury Douglas Baker William Baker Ernest Edipond Billingsley William Stanley Bird Bowling Wilson Brown Robert Colwell Dannivcl Campbell Carl Childress John Crouch Thomas Fessingcr Homer Hardaway Ieo Harris Jesse Eugene Ivey A Janies Oscar James Cecil Kennedy Robert Lackey Howard McDonald James Lewis Ray Floy Sublett Douglas Thomas James A Venable Jr Watson and Lalston Wood row Singing Convention At Walker Sunday The Marseille district singing convention will meet Sunday afternoon at Walker Consolidated No 3 school six miles c-ast of Pauls Valley Ben Flippo announced today The convention will begin at 2 All were invited Courts AA Representative To Meet Veterans Others Two Days Bill Marrs representative of the War Assets Administration will be in Pauls Valley Thursday and Friday January 30 and 31 to interview veterans and anyone else interested in surplus property He said he especially wanted to contact veterans who are farmers or who are going into business or who have a business started and are having difficulty obtaining stock or property Purpose of tlie visit is to contact veterans and save them a trip to Oklahoma City He will accept ap plications and Issue certificates here Veterans were asked to bring their discharges Marrs will be at the Veteran Service Office at the Chamber of Commerce from 9 am until 4 pm on both days Musical Program At Kiwanis Meeting A musical program was presented Wednesday noon nt tlie Kiwanis club's weekly luncheon in the Presbyterian church under direction of Mrs Barnett Wright club pianist It included vocal numbers by Mrs Austin Kidwell and piano duel numbers by Mrs Leo Tripp and Mrs Wright Wayne Donihoo chairman of tlie March of Dimes campaign being sponsored in the count bv (lie club told of tlie activities of the committee and Ralph Stufflcbenn spoke briefly on the roimiv Junta Fat Stock show here in March How women and girls may get wanted relief from functional periodic pain Cardul many women say has brought relief from the Cramp-lure tony And nervous strain of functiomU pcriodio distress Taken like a tonic it should stimulate appctllo eld digestion thus help build resist-ance for the "time" to come 6tarted vZr4Tw 8 days before "your time' it should help relieve pain due to purely functional periodic causes Try ill jfc wre LAri OiMfCTlANt Dr SMITH OPTOMETRIST Difficulties GLASSES FITTED Pkaa 11 Caaia Valley OkUkem I sit By Joe Marsh Grandson Of Assigned To A young stallion declared by some horsem*n to be the best horse ever to come to Garvin county has been assigned to Robert Paul by the Remount Service to be used in improving blood lines of saddle horses Ml Gi l' 1 11 i 'Mill i 11 iI lr 1 1 1 1 1 il Mi: O'Wur Beau's Slap was sired by Battleship by the great Man O'War and out of the french mare Quarantine Paul said Remount Service records show Beau's Ship was foaled April 3 1944 He has never been raced as the Remount Service does not race its horses While in the cavalry faul served with an officer who now is head of the Remount Service in several southwestern states Through him Paul was given his choice of 26 stallions which the service planned to place with agents for breeding purposes He chose Ship Ship quartered at Jim stableB is a deep sorrel MRS GARVIN IS TAKEN BY DEATH Rites For County Pioneer Held Tuesday Afternoon Mrs Sallie Garvin for more than 50 years a resident of Garvin county died In a Wynnewood hospital Monday following an illness of nearly a year She had been in the hospital about a week Mrs Garvin moved to the Katie community in 1895 and made her home there until her death Services were conducted at the Katie Methodist church Tuesday afternoon with Rev Carnes of (lie Healdton Baptist church officiating Burial was me Kiie cemetery undr direction of tlie Yeary anil Vaughn Funeral home She is survived by her husband Garvin Elmore City route 2 four sons Leslie Urban and Woodrow Garvin of Katie and Bernard Garvin of Oklahoma City a daughter Mrs Frank Walters of Pernell and eight gt andchildren Visitors Invited To Scout Ceremony Members of the troop committee said today wives of Legionnaires parents of troop members and other visitors are urged to attend a ceremony at the district courtroom here Thursday night at which the charter will be presented to the Boy Scou troop sponsored by the American Legion post here The Legion will hold its regular meeting at the courtroom as a part of the charter ceremony and all Legionnaires already had been urged by post officials to attend Iceland has never had a war Leave Governorship To Quonseis Found More Useful In Peace Than War Civilian Ingenuity is exceeding that of war-famed Seabees in adapting Quan'et buildings to a variety of praet icd usrs i was revealed today ttir i fnc- N- I i1' i' 1 urr elected dating ttie Tlie manufacturer of these buildings lie Great Iakes Steel Corporation of Detroit Mich reports that the structures now have been adapoted for more than 257 civilian purposes This compares with annroji-) mntelv 100 military uses officially' noted bv the war end In informing Quonsetdealersofthese 257 adapotations the manufacturer noted that many former Seabees have been employed in the dealer organizations and that much credit for the increasing number of uses prob-nbly should go to these ex-servicemen Tlie varied use of Quonsets also was credited nartiallv to the fact that thev require a minimum of materials critically needed for housing The use list includes permanent structures required for virtually all industrial farm mercantile amusem*nt and professional purposes Greatest demand the report noted is for the 20 and 24-foot wide Quonsets Other basic widths are 40 feet and any multiple of the 20-foot arch No Information w'as available as to an average building length a factor which varies with each building reports lust 72 uses for the 'Quonset 20' and 96 for the the summary said a total of 168 for the smaller buildings 40' luses are reported as 108 and those of the larger multi-arch at 14 making a total of 122 for the line's larger structures" several instances the smaller buildings and larger structures are in use for similar purposes This indicates that in manv cases a need can he met bv added length or compilations of tlie smaller buildings as well as if 'Quonset 40' were all of the uses of all buildings give a grand total of 290 this figure emit a ins 33 rases where dif- ferent sices of huildines are serving like purposes Subtracting these dup- lieations gives a net total of 257 pur- i poses for which Quonsets are known to be in use to Cmmtv Club News i BETTER LIVING CLVB Tlie Better Living club met Janin-y 15 in the home of Mrs Jjnn Harman The house was called to order at 2 o'clock by the president There were nine members present Lesson Right to Happiness" This was a very interesting lesson All topics' were discussed Miss Stiles met with us and gave a very interesting demonstration on pattern alteration There are still a few nf our members who haven't filled out iheir enrollment card We hope bv our next meeting that everyone will be back in the harness and turn out one percent Miss Stiles told us we would have our new year books before our next meeting Club adjourned to meet February 5 in the home of Mrs McGalliard Refreshments were served by the hostess GARVIN SPRINGS Garvin Springs community club will hold tlie regular meeting on Thursday night The theme for this meeting will be to Win the Fanner Stockman's We want all homes in this community represented so please come and be thinking up ways in which you can make your community proud of you and also think of ways in which you can help to make your community a place to be proud of Whether or not we win one dollar of contest money we will have won a greater reward than first prise tf when 1947 walks off the calendar the citizens of this community can speak with a puffed out chest when they say live in the Garvin Springs Cake cookies pies cocoa and coffee will be served for relreshmenti CARLOADINGS INCREASE NORMAN Shipments of heavy goods In Oklahoma increased in December 1946 the University of Oklahoma business research bureau reports FYeight carloadings exculdtng merchandise shipments were 87 per cent greater than November 1946 and 209 per cent greater than for December 1945 The report is based on preliminary figures from 23 state communities Monroney Names Stratford Youth To West Point WASHINGTON Jan (AV- Rep Mike Monroney iD-Okla) announced today nominations for appointments to the United States Military Academy West Point and the US Naval Academy Annapolis Military Academy appointments: Frank Forrest Stratford Okla principal: Lee Arnold Oklahoma City first alternate: Jimmy Joe Jefferson Oklahoma City second alternate and James Frymire Oklahoma City third alternate James Edward Harrison Oklahoma City principal William Wetzel Oklahoma City first alternate Louis Barnett Jr Oklahoma City second alternate and David Henry Brazil Norman third alternate Naval Academy appointments Edward Paul Clark Norman principal Harvey Moore Lee Oklahoma City second alternate Lieut Charles Smith Oklahoma City now in Italy principal Milton Johnson Oklahoma City first alternate and William A Lawrence Oklahoma City second alternate Selections were made through competitive examinations 'tvjjgs 4cv'' ro 1 I -Ai fl I' SHORTAGE of $121000 in accounts of office of House ser-peant-at-urms is indicated in preliminary audit reports says Speaker Joseph tV Martin Jr (It Mass) Kenneth Romney above Montana Democrat was replaced in this office by William Russell when Republicans took over Shortage is reported due to checks cashed by an ex-congressman and a former employe of the office Talmadge Judge Judge Walter Hendrix above of Fulton County Superior Court will hear suit on Feb 7 aimedto re train Herman Talmadge from keeping possession of the Georgia office "Certificate of Service" undesirables and it means got to maintain decent standards answer the local law enforcement agencies and face the loss of your license more the brewers in co-operation with the tavern keepers themselves are backing up all it stands for with their program of self-regulation From where I sit license is more than a permit to do business a certificate of good behavior and service to the town In a face-to-face encounter across the executive deskd Herman Talmadge left refused to yield the governorship of Georgia to Lt Oov Thompson right who claims that he is Both men have agreed to let the decision of the courts settle the question as to who is rightfully entitled to the governorship (NEA Telephoto) Iinml FOMMTION OKLAHOMA COMMITTEE 1304 1st Hathaal Mg OkUbgni City.

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Pauls Valley Democrat from Pauls Valley, Oklahoma (2024)


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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.