For my TRUE STORIES I have pulled a concept from the entertainment industry called a breakdown.
In each story breakdown, I will include a title, character, conflict, quotes,character arc, and my behind the scene comments.
True Story #1
Title: Taming the Beast
Character: Attractive early 30's successful COO male in Tech Industry
Conflict: Anger issues
Character Arc: When "The Beast" and I first started working together he used to get so mad at work he would have to leave the building and would call me while pacing the sidewalks yelling. 8 months later......
Favorite Quotes: "Carmen, I never thought controlling my anger instead of unleashing it would make me feel more powerful." "I wish you could have seen me, I was so F***ing composed, that everyone in the room came over to me later telling me even they couldn't have kept their cool like I did."
Behind the Scenes: We worked on seeing his emotions as a great power instead of a weakness. This shift exposed him to a better view of himself and gained momentum with practice. We talked him through his maze of anxiety until he could see it was self-imposed.He also learned to observe his thoughts like a passenger instead of the driver. He sees clearly now that it is his spirit or attitude that controls his mind... which controls his thoughts and actions. He discovered the joy of self control opposed to over powering. He really connected with the law of attraction and the way I present it.
True Story #2
Title:Million Dollar Baby
Character: Professional Athlete (Can't say which sport or describe specifics for privacy reasons)
Character Arc: Let's just say that after working with me only 5 times, he achieved something he never had before and was highly rewarded for it. He had been at it for years.
Favorite Quote: When I asked if our work had an impact on this great reward he said "it helped a little bit, but in my business a little bit is a LOT"
Behind the Scenes: We worked 3 times the first week and 2 times the week before the event. I could see there were parts of his work responsibilities/tasks/roles that he resented. Once he could see the underlying resentment, he had a big shift. (Invisible to him until we did a breakdown of every task he was responsible for and the unseen emotions that were bringing his overall vibe down) Athletes are highly superstitious and for good reason. People don't realize how much of their genius comes from their mental strength. What people in the corporate world call systems are often what athletes call their good luck. It is their GETS them in the zone. The zone is sacred space to them and I help expand the ability to control and milk the zone for all it is worth. We super imposed what was working in his favorite task and overlaid that power on the task he disliked. We also had a serious lesson in physics;this helped him understand the importance of keeping his attitude up no matter what transpired in the game.
True Story #3
Title: A Prison Movie
Character: Athletic with model good looks....a 19 yr old straight from youth prison
Conflict:Needing a second chance on life, starting over with nothing
Character Arc: In 3 years he went from shy, quiet, and head down with no eye contact to starring in feature films as the lead character. He is now the most animated person in the room.
Favorite Quotes: He told Good Morning America, "I finally started giving her eye contact because she kept moving to where I had my eyes and I didn't want the poor lady on the ground." "If it hadn't been for Carmen, I would be dead or in jail."
Behind the Scenes: Trust, anger, and low expectations all conquered through unconditional love. This young man used his observations skills he learned in the streets to pull the best from my constant mentoring. He was my most challenging, but also my most rewarding coaching job. In the 9 years we have worked together he has only gotten more beautiful on the inside. He has repaired old relationships, created a life in California, and is very aware of how far he has come with his anger. Boxing, lifting weights, and helping those still in jail through his speaking are just some of the ways he has chosen to take back his life. I just showed him the possibilities, and chipped away at his false beliefs.
True Story #4
Title: I can't date you, I need to hire you
Character: shape 50 year old male in Oil Industry
Conflict: Bored with life, drinking too much for an escape.Also, uncomfortable with his extensive speaking responsibility at work.
Character Arc: He started out as a man I met socially. While talking he commented on how he was sure he wasn't ready to date someone like me, that he would rather get my help as a coach. After only 4 work sessions......
Favorite Quotes: "I have been meaning to set up another visit....been making progress reducing the drink, increasing meditation, and added a bit more focus on positive energy. Interesting how a slightly different perspective and small adjustments to habits can change things......Oh and the breathing technique you gave me when speaking publicly works." "Thank you for your help Carmen, your energy is infectious."
Behind the Scenes:Worked with him on a concept I created called Meta-Characters. This allowed him a peek into the complicated reasons he had for soothing with alcohol. We brainstormed on ways to curb it and replace this with other soothing and productive life choices. We added a slow ramp up of meditation to his daily routine. I shared with him the many ways to meditate. He is very spiritual and really appreciated my teaching on law of attraction. I sent him a video on calming the sympathetic nervous system for public speaking. I gave him the GRID100, a point of attraction assessment I developed, it reflects his emotions in 10 categories of life.
True Story #5
Title:I'm back
Character: Early 40's female mom and nurse with a beautiful and nurturing heart.
Conflict:In her words "I am a mess, and so down on myself."
Character Arc: She worked with me 5 times and disappeared. Less than a year later....
Favorite Quote: "I need to schedule an appointment with you, I went to a counselor for my depression for almost a year and it dawned on me that I felt better after just a few sessions with you."
Behind the Scenes: We focused on awareness, creating lists of appreciation, discovering her talents, and learning how to observe and not absorb the negativity that surrounded her. I am presently looking forward to working with her again. It is my belief that it takes about 8 consistent weeks to really notice shifts in clarity.
True Story #6
Title:You saved my marriage
Character: Fun loving and thoughtful early 40's female on the brink of divorce.
Conflict:Tired of her selfish husband, had already been to counseling for co-dependency.
Character Arc:Not only did she shift, but her shift changed her husband.
Favorite Quote:"Had it not been for you, I would be divorced....I am not kidding"
Behind the Scenes: This one hit home,I could only take her here because I put my own marriage on the alter and knew first hand that "wherever you go, there you are". It is a hard truth to swallow, especially when your spouse is selfish and diagnosed narcissist or bi-polar, but bottom line is.....change you and the way you think and what you honor and respect and the whole world around you falls in line. We did a lot of self care with her and a big dose of alone time. She now meditates and really enjoys her husband as her best friend and favorite travel companion. They still have issues but things are gaining momentum the other direction.
True Story #7
Title:Sleepless in Las Colinas
Character: 33 year old highly energetic female
Conflict:She said she had trouble sleeping
Character Arc: Our first 3 work sessions centered around her boyfriend and sleeping, but it came out later she had a restless and wandering sex drive, used men for money, and had an issue with alcohol. She has no issue with the sleep anymore and has been able to remove the man for money thoughts .....but we are just now digging in to the rest.
Favorite Quote:"I think of you at night, you have no idea how much peace your thoughts on sleep have given me." "It seems logical now, I was spinning in self-judgement, no wonder I couldn't sleep."
Behind the Scenes: Law of Attraction was a big piece of this puzzle. She didn't see how the racing thoughts brought more racing thoughts. We also helped her shift from her head to her heart, at night before bed. She loved my genuine ability to love her and not judge her.