The Multiverse of Shuca - Chapter 126 - Laguzinruin (2024)

Chapter Text

Shu and Luca gasped. They had just wiped out the last two enemies and became the last remaining survivors.

They were in a scene that looked like a primitive tribe, and their clothes were muddy. This was a survival game. The game will not end until the final winner emerges. This means that only one of Shu and Luca can survive.

"We're the only ones left," Luca said, dropping the hammer. He didn't want to hurt Shu at all!

"As long as we pass this level, it's over." Shu said, throwing the machete on the ground and stretching.

"Anyway, no one cares whether I live or die." Luca said, even if he won the final prize and would have no worries about food and clothing, everything would be boring without Shu by his side.

In fact, three days ago, they were strangers who had never met before. They did not expect to become friends of life and death, and even became a community of life that could not imagine the existence without each other.

"It's because we’re not a good people that we’re caught here!" Shu said.

The so-called "game" is the popular reality show "Executioner". The rule is to put a group of death row prisoners into a closed environment, maybe a building or an island, and let them fight each other to the death. After that, the last survivor will receive complete immunity and receive financial subsidies. As long as he no longer commits crimes, he will be safe for the rest of his life.

This project received strong opposition at the beginning, but with strict rules and strict selection of player qualifications, doubts were minimized, coupled with exquisite scene design and the performance of the premiere season that exceeded expectations, it successfully stirred up the topic. Despite the constant debate between the pros and cons, "Executioner" has become a household name and a highly rated national program.

Although the content of killing each other is extremely violent, and plots such as deception and betrayal often occur in the process, this is a program that many families watch together on weekend evenings. Parents use this to warn young children not to do bad things, otherwise they will die in pain and misery.

In order to reduce the chance of death row inmates successfully escaping and returning to society, each game will involve an executioner whose identity is hidden. The executioners do not have major criminal records, and most of them are law enforcement officers whose purpose is to prevent criminals from escaping the punishment they deserve.

In addition to guessing who will be the final winner, many people also place bets on who will be the executioner in each game.

With this variable, the suspicion among the prisoners became even more serious.

"I originally suspected that you were the executioner, but then I thought it was unlikely." Luca said.

"Why?" Shu asked curiously.

"You're too crazy," Luca said, and Shu burst into laughter.

"You are so serious and look like a policeman. I wanted to kill you at first," Shu said.

"Then why didn't you?"

"Because you are so handsome." Shu said, smiling.

Luca knew very well what Shu had planned for him. He had been staring at him boldly with lustful eyes, wanting to eat him in one bite. Luca had never had any serious thoughts about men, at least he had never met a man who can arouse his sexual desire, but Shu was completely outside the scope of his understanding, so it’s not surprising that he wanted to do anything with him.

"Ahh, we’re going to die anyway." Luca said, just risk it all, maybe the result will be better than imagined!

Shu's eyes widened in surprise as he watched Luca casually begin to take off his clothes, drool almost dripping from his open mouth.

"You're right. If we don't do it now, we won't have a chance." Shu said and started to take off his clothes too.

"I still don't understand what you see in me." Luca said, and soon he was completely naked.

Nudity was not uncommon in games, but what they were about to do was not shown on the live stream ever.

While disemboweling a person was acceptable, sexual intercourse was not. It's not that no one has done it during the game, but they won't do it blatantly, and the broadcast footage will naturally not stop on them.

But now it's just the two of them, and there's nowhere else for the camera to shoot unless they want the audience to see a boring set piece.

Shu walked towards Luca with brisk steps as he released all the restraints on his body, grabbed his hair and gave him a firm and passionate kiss.

Shu had expected to encounter some resistance, but he didn't expect Luca to fully accept his tough and even rogue behavior, trying to keep up with his movements and trying to respond to his enthusiasm.

"You're cuter than I thought!" Shu said, grinning. If he didn't let go of Luca's lips, this handsome blond man who was new to kissing might faint because he forgot to breathe. From the way he was panting now, it was easy to tell that he was really not good at kissing.

"Cute?" Luca frowned. He didn't think he had anything to do with "cute" at all.

"I've been looking forward to this moment since the first time I saw you." Shu said, putting his hands on Luca's strong chest muscles. The feel was really nice, soft and elastic. Shu rubbed it a few times and felt himself excited. The lower body pressed against Luca's thigh stood up vigorously. Judging from Luca's expression, it seemed that he was also enjoying it, and his eyes were starting to become misty.

"At first sight... I thought you wanted to kill me." Luca said, being so close to Shu made it difficult for him to maintain his rationality. When he first saw Shu, what he thought in his mind was that if he was not killed by this person, he would definitely follow him until he agrees to accept him.

"I really want to kill you. You are too conspicuous among everyone. If I can't get you, I will have to destroy you." Shu said. After having enough fun with Luca's chest, he moved his hand down to his equally excited big penis, playing with it happily and rhythmically.

"Shu, wait..." Luca breathed heavily. Shu's movements were skillful and exciting. Luca couldn't help but push his hips, grinding between their close bodies.

"How's it going? Do you like it?" Shu asked, matching Luca's movements, holding their penises together and stroking them quickly.

"Like...Shu, I like you." Luca said, pushing Shu's head towards him and kissing him.

Shu was surprised not only by Luca's confession, but also by the fact that his kiss was very emotional. This was not something someone who wanted to vent their sexual desire would do. Could it be that he really liked him?

"Guess whether the live broadcast has stopped yet." Shu said. Luca couldn't suppress his moans and leaned on Shu's shoulder, leaving scratches on Shu's back.

"Live broadcast?" Luca felt like he was going to cum at any moment, but Shu was still asking strange questions.

"Yes, it would be a pity if the show was stopped. The audience might want to know how our love will end." Shu said.

"Is it love?" Luca asked.

"Yeah, I like you too." Shu said. Not sure if he was stimulated by these words, Luca immediately ejacul*ted.

"Wow! It seems you really like me." Shu said. He didn't expect Luca to be so innocent and virginal.

"Aren't you serious?" Luca asked. Shu always made it difficult for people to understand what he was thinking, and the "like" he said so easily made people suspicious.

"I'm serious! I've never been so serious." Shu said. He put Luca to the ground, spread his legs, and pushed his unliberated penis into the unexplored hole.

Luca thought he would be in agony, but the excitement covered up most of the pain. He could only feel Shu moving in and out of his body. It was all too surreal.

"Shu, you are so... big." Luca wanted to hold Shu, bring their bodies closer, and enjoy the wonderful feeling of becoming one, but Shu grabbed his hands that were stretched forward and pushed harder. The rapid advancement made Luca's mind completely occupied by the pleasure, and he couldn't even speak clearly.

"Do you like it? It feels good, right? If I make you so happy that you die, I will be the winner in the end, right?" Shu said, of course this was just a joke, he couldn't bear to let Luca die. Such a beautiful man, with such a sexy and attractive figure, and a pleasant moan of excitement, it would be a shame if he disappeared from this world.

"No... no, don't kill me, Shu..." Luca burst into tears in an instant. Not knowing whether it was because of the pain or the excitement, which was too good to bear, Shu liked his messy look.

"What’s so bad? You die under me and you will be a happy ghost!" Shu said, laughing.

"No, Shu, don't let me go..." Luca screamed, and after a strong shock, everything finally returned to calm.

Shu lay next to Luca, panting like he had just run a hundred meters. The blank feeling in his mind made him feel extremely fragile, and he subconsciously held Luca's hand tightly.

"Is it over?" Luca was the first to speak.

"That sucks," Shu said.

"Did I behave badly?" Luca asked, which was actually not surprising at all. He acted like a clingy childish boy. No wonder Shu was dissatisfied.

"No, I mean it sucks for us to end like this." Shu said, "I still want to continue to be with you and do a lot of fun things. If we die, we die together, and if we live, we live together, how about that?"

"I...of course." Luca was so moved that he wanted to cry. Shu really wanted to be with him. Even though the current situation was very bad, it would be fine as long as they could be together for one more minute.

"Don't leave me alive alone, and I won't leave you alone." Shu said, bringing Luca's hand to his lips and kissed it. He really wanted to have sex until he died.

"Okay, let's do it." Luca said with determination.

"Guess when they will come and kill us." Shu said.

"I don't know. Do you want to do it again?" Luca asked.

"I'll do it if you can." Shu said. Luca was really full of surprises.

"You're hard again."

"Who told you to be so cute?"

Luca got up and straddled Shu, taking his newly erect co*ck inside of him. Luca had closed his eyes throughout the process, but now he was staring at Shu's excited expression, and Luca hoped that he would go crazy for him.

"Come on, use your thigh muscles." Shu said encouragingly like a coach, patting Luca's strong and toned thighs.

"You're so unattractive," Luca said. He likes to listen to Shu talks, but he talks too much.

"If you want to do it, do it well." Shu said, smiled at Luca and licked his lips.

Luca started to make piston movements as if a switch had been turned on, moving up and down violently, eager for Shu to touch the deepest part of his body, allowing himself to be invaded and ravaged again and again, and he loved this feeling so much.

Although Shu could lie still and accept Luca's service, he could see that Luca's own power alone could not scratch the itch at all. His hard-working and troubled expression was very interesting, and Shu was thinking about when to lend a helping hand to make Luca feel the best.

Just when Shu was troubled by this interesting problem, uninvited guests appeared around them. Even so, Shu still had no intention of pausing, while Luca was even more indifferent and continued his passionate activities.

"Wow! They’re really here." Shu said, tilting his head to look at the well-equipped armed team that came down from the helicopter. Among them stood a man in a black suit. He was one of the managers in charge of the game. Shu I remember his name was weird like Zali.

"End your current behavior immediately, otherwise we will determine that you are disqualified and will be eliminated immediately." Zali said, and the people around him aimed their guns at Shu and Luca, but they didn't seem to care at all.

"You want to kill us? But we're not over yet! Will the audience like the show without an ending?" Shu asked, while Luca was still bouncing on him, making excited sounds.

"The live show has been paused, you don't need to continue." Zali said, frowning unconsciously.

"But the filming isn't over yet, right? There are still people watching us, right? If you want to edit it to a good ending, you need more material." Shu said, suddenly raising his waist, causing Luca to scream like never before.

"Ah! That's right there! Keep going, faster!" Luca seemed to have lost his mind and roared like a beast. Shu, who grasped the angle and rhythm correctly, cooperated with Luca's movements to bring the excitement of them to the highest point.

"You’re killing me." Shu laughed after ejacul*tion, holding Luca lying on top of him. This damn beautiful man almost killed him.

"Are you ready?" Luca whispered in Shu's ear.

"Any time." Shu said with a smile. The tacit understanding between them was amazing. If they can't live together, the worst case scenario is that they'll die together.

"Hurry up and stand apart. You still have a chance to participate in the next game, otherwise I will order the shooting." Zali said, feeling helpless. He actually wanted to kill these two people directly, which can save a lot of trouble, but they were undoubtedly the two most popular participants in this round. If they disappear without any reason, they will inevitably suffer a huge backlash, and then the losses will be huge.

Shu and Luca stood up slowly, ran forward quickly when the others were unprepared, and arrived in front of Zali in one fell swoop.

Luca hugged Zali tightly like a koala, clinging behind him so that he could not move, even unable to reach his weapon.

Shu took the weapon from one of them and killed everyone else present without blinking an eye.

"Don't let Shu get the gun, he's scary," Luca said to Zali, licking his face.

"You...this is against the rules and will be directly executed." Zali said, his whole body was trembling, and Luca was like a ferocious beast that might bite his neck off at any time.

"All creatures in the game area can be killed. This is written in the rules of the game. You should send more people to protect you, pretty boy." Shu said, pointing the gun at Zali: "If you continue to do this, I’m going to be jealous, Luca.”

"You are the only one in my heart, he is just food to me." Luca said to Shu, he is a notorious cannibal, but in Shu's eyes, he is just a cute big wolf dog.

"Okay, I forgive you." Shu said, "Baby face, go discuss it with your superiors and let us tie for the championship!"

"Aren't they always watching? If there is news, they will notify you, right?" Luca said, he is much smarter than he looks, and many people ignore this.

"Then it depends on how important you are to them." Shu said, putting the muzzle of the gun against Zali's forehead.

"You can't escape," Zali said.

"Want to take a gamble?" Shu said, grinning. He believed they would win this time.

The Multiverse of Shuca - Chapter 126 - Laguzinruin (2024)


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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.