Nutrition and Dietetics M.S. Handbook: General Program Information (2024)

General Program Information


Welcome to the South Dakota State University (SDSU) Nutrition and Dietetics Master of Science (NDMS) program. This program is an accelerated bachelor’s to master’s program with supervised experiential learning (SEL) incorporated throughout this competency-based program. Students accepted into the program with the required prerequisites can complete the program in three years. Including prerequisites, completion of the entire bachelor’s to master’s degree program takes approximately five years.

This handbook outlines the Nutrition and Dietetics (M.S.) program at SDSU and career path to obtaining the Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) credential. This handbook is not a contract for the Nutrition and Dietetics (M.S.) program. It serves to provide information about the program as well as the policies and procedures governing the program. The information, policies, and procedures in this handbook are intended to be supportive and are subject to all South Dakota Board of Regents (SDBOR) and SDSU policies and procedures. Students are expected to also review and follow the policies in the SDSU undergraduate and graduate catalogs.

SDSU undergraduate catalog

SDSU graduate catalog

The Nutrition and Dietetics (M.S.) program handbook will be revised annually, and each revised edition fully replaces previous versions. The handbook is also available at SDSU School of Health and Consumer Sciences.

Program outcomes data are available on request by contacting the Program Director.

Accreditation Statement

The South Dakota State University Nutrition and Dietetics (M.S.) program is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND). ACEND is the accrediting agency for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

ACEND can be contacted by phone or mail.
Phone: 1-800/877-1600, ext. 5400
Mail: 120 South Riverside Plaza, Suite 2190
Chicago, IL 60606-6995

Pathway to Becoming a Registered Dietician

Beginning January 1, 2024, a graduate degree will be the minimum degree requirement for those seeking to become eligible for the registration examination for dietitian nutritionists. To be approved for registration examination eligibility with a bachelor’s degree, an individual must meet all eligibility requirements and be submitted into the Commission on Dietetic Registration’s (CDR) Eligibility Processing System (REPS) before 12:00 midnight CT, December 31, 2023. For more information about this requirement visit CDR's Graduate Degree Requirement.

The Nutrition and Dietetics (M.S.) program at SDSU is an accredited ACEND Graduate Program. This graduate- level, competency-based dietitian nutritionist program integrates coursework and 1,000+ hours of supervised experiential learning. Graduates who successfully complete the ACEND-accredited Nutrition and Dietetics (M.S.) program are eligible to take the CDR credentialing exam to become a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN).

In most states, graduates also must obtain licensure or certification to practice. For more information about state licensure requirements, visit CDR's State Licensure. South Dakota (SD) is among 46 states that have enacted legislation regulating the practice of dietetics.

Graduates of the Nutrition and Dietetics (M.S.) who are issued a verification statement are eligible to apply for a temporary SD Licensed Nutritionist which is good for 1 year. Successful passing of the CDR examination for Registered Dietitian Nutritionists is required for application to be issued permanent SD Licensed Nutritionist status.

State licensure and state certification are separate from the registration exam by CDR. Information on state licensure which may be required before an RD/RDN can practice in several states is provided at CDR's State Licensure. The SD codified law and administrative rules regarding dietetics and nutrition and the state licensure process are found at SD Legislature Legislative Research Council. Application information for the SD Licensed Nutritionist process is available at SD Board of Medical and Osteopathic Examiners.

For more information about educational pathways to become a RDN, visit the ACEND Information for Students.

Program Director and Faculty Information

Internal Advisory Committee

Faculty and staff on the previous pages serve as an internal advisory committee with the Program Director to review curriculum, outcome measures and on-going improvement. This committee meets at least once per semester during the 9-month academic year.

External Advisory Committee

The external advisory committee is composed of facility representatives and registered dietitians in the state of SD who work with the students and/or hire the graduates. This committee meets once annually to review the program.

Program Mission, Goals and Objectives

The Nutrition and Dietetics (M.S.) program at SDSU is an ACEND accredited future education model graduate degree program. This competency-based education program that integrates classroom learning with hands-on supervised experiential learning experiences meets the necessary requirements for taking the national credentialing exam administered by the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR).

The Nutrition and Dietetics (M.S.) program mission is compatible with both the SDSU mission and the School of Health and Human Sciences mission. The mission of the Nutrition and Dietetics (M.S.) program encompasses the value of our institutional mission, which is, "South Dakota State University offers a rich academic experience in an environment of inclusion and access through inspired, student-centered education, creative activities and research, innovation and engagement that improve the quality of life in South Dakota, the region, the nation and the world.”

Within the institution, the mission for the School of Health and Human Sciences where the program is housed is as follows: “The School of Health and Human Sciences is dedicated to improving quality of life regionally, nationally and globally by fostering life-long learners, conducting innovative research and teaching and delivering effective education and outreach.”

Nutrition and Dietetics (M.S.) Mission

To offer a rigorous and diverse competency-based program, combining knowledge and supervised experiential learning experiences in preparing master’s level graduates as entry-level registered dietitian nutritionists who are dedicated to lifelong learning and improving the health of individuals, families and communities.

Program Goal 1

Graduates will be competent entry-level practitioners with the skills required to provide professional services aimed at improving the health and quality of life for individuals, families and communities.

Goal 1 Objectives:
  1. At least 80% of program graduates complete program/degree requirements within 4.5 years (150% of the program length).
  2. Of graduates who seek employment, 70% are employed in nutrition and dietetics or related fields within 12 months of graduation.
  3. 80% of program graduates take the CDR credentialing exam for dietitian nutritionists within 12 months of program completion.
  4. The program’s one-year pass rate (graduates who pass the registration exam within one year of first attempt) on the CDR credentialing exam for dietitian nutritionists is at least 80%.
  5. 50% of supervisors responding to the employee satisfaction survey for program graduates at 10-12 months post program completion who are employed in nutrition and dietetics, or related fields will rank their perceived skill level of the program graduate’s competencies and preparation for entry-level practice at 3.0 or > on a 5.0 scale with 5.0 being the highest skilled ranking.
  6. 50% of program graduates responding to the post graduate survey at 10-12 months post program completion who are employed in nutrition and dietetics, or related fields will rank their perceived skill level in competencies at 3.0 or > on a 5.0 scale with 5.0 being the highest skilled ranking.

Program Goal 2

Graduates will be committed to lifelong learning, service and/or community engagement.

Goal 2 Objectives:
  1. 80% of program graduates responding to the post graduate survey, rank their lifelong learning attitude and practices at a 3.0 or > on a 5.0 scale with 5.0 being the highest ranking.
  2. 80% of program graduates responding to the post graduate survey, report involvement in one or more activities related to service and/or community engagement, either through their employment, professional organizations, scholarly pursuits, or volunteer activities.

Specific outcome data for each objective available upon request by contacting the Nutrition and Dietetics (M.S.) Program Director.

Admission Requirements


Recruitment of applicants is completed by listing the Nutrition and Dietetics (M.S.) program on the ACEND website, through information posted at Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s Degree Programs and with information posted at School of Health and Consumer Sciences. In addition, program information will be shared via the Nutrition and Dietetic Educators and Preceptors list serve and by having a booth at the national Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo’s Student Recruitment Fair. The Nutrition and Dietetics (M.S.) program follows all state and federal laws and regulations to ensure nondiscrimination and equal opportunity.

Program Eligibility

  1. Current undergraduate students at SDSU with a declared major in nutrition and dietetics.
  2. Current undergraduate students at SDSU or any other accredited institution with any declared major who meet prerequisite and co-requisite requirements.
  3. Baccalaureate degree holding (any degree) students from an accredited institution who meet prerequisite and co-requisite requirements.
  4. Graduate degree holding (any degree) students from an accredited institution who meet prerequisite and co-requisite requirements.
  5. Minimum of a cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
  6. The prerequisite courses listed Table 1. Prerequisite Courses must be completed prior to start of the fall semester in the year accepted into the program.
Table 1: Prerequisite Courses
CoursesUndergraduate Credits
ENGL 101 Composition I (SGR1)3
ENGL 201 Composition II (SGR1)3
SPCM 101 Fundamentals of Speech (SGR2)3
HDFS 210 Lifespan Development (SGR3)3
Social Sciences (SGR3)3
Arts and Humanities/Diversity (SGR4)6
MATH 114 Mathematics (SGR5)3
CHEM 106/L General Chemistry Survey (SGR6)4
BIOL 221/L Human Anatomy4
BIOL 325/L Physiology4
MICRO 231/L Microbiology4
NURS 201 Medical Terminology1
NUTR 315 Human Nutrition3
Total Prerequisite Credits44

SGR abbreviation indicates System General Education Requirements of Baccalaureate degree. The list of SGR courses can be found at SDSU General Educational Requirements.

  • The co-requisite courses listed in Table 2. Co-requisite Courses must be completed prior to start of the fall semester in the second year of the program.
Table 2: Co-requisite Courses
CoursesUndergraduate Credits
EHS 119 EHS Seminar2
Any Elective to meet or exceed credits indicated1
HLTH 220 Social Determinants of Health (Can Substitute)3
NUTR 111 Food People and the Environment3
CHEM 108/L Organic Biochemistry (SGR6)5
Total Co-requisite Credits14
  • Prospective students who are transfer students from an accredited university other than SDSU must complete a transfer pre-evaluation form for evaluation of transfer credits that will meet the prerequisite courses required. Information for completion of the transfer preevaluation form can be found at Transferring Credits. This form must be completed prior to application deadline.
  • Current SDSU students or graduates of SDSU (within the past 3 years) who have completed the following courses will not be required to complete them again if accepted into the Nutrition and Dietetics (M.S.) program but will be required to provide evidence of learning in meeting certain competencies as indicated in the prior assessed learning policy provided in this handbook. Prior assessed learning is not evaluated prior to or as part of the application process. Prior assessed learning is evaluated after the student is accepted into the Nutrition and Dietetics (M.S.) program. Prior assessed learning for the following courses will not be considered for the following courses for transfer students but will be considered for current students or graduates of SDSU who have graduated within the past 3 years.
  • HMGT 251 Foodservice Sanitation (1 credit)
  • HMGT 380 Foodservice Operations and Purchasing Management (3 credits)
  • HSC 200 Complimentary and Integrative Healthcare (3 credits)
  • MGMT 360 Organization and Management (3 credits)
  • NUTR 323 Nutrition Across the Lifecycle (3 credits)
  • NUTR 141/L Food Principles (4 credits)
  • NURS 323 Introduction to Pathophysiology (3 credits)
  • HLTH 479/L Health Promotion Programming and Evaluation (2 credits)
  • NUTR 422 Advanced Human Nutrition and Metabolism (4 credits)
  • NUTR 341/L Food Science for Nutrition and Dietetics (4 credits)
  • EHS 319 Life, Love and Money (2 credits)
  • HMGT 381/L Quantity Food Production and Service (4 credits) NDMS Semester 2 Spring
  • CHRD 475 Motivational Interviewing and Wellness Counseling (3 credits) NDMS Semester 4 Spring
  • HLTH475PrinciplesofCommunityHealthEducation(3credits)NDMSSemester4Spring
  • LDR 435 Organizational Leadership and Team Development (3 credits) NDMS Semester 4 Spring
  • NUTR 322 Nutrition Assessment (3 credits) NDMS Semester 1 Fall
  • TransfercreditsorconsiderationofpriorassessedlearningforcompletionofNutritionandDietetics(M.S.) program competencies will not beacceptedfor thefollowinglist of courses. Students whomay havealready completedthefollowing coursesduring priorundergraduatecoursework willberequired to takethese coursesagain during the semesterindicated aspart of theplanof study.These coursesarenot considered for PAL because they are integrated into the competency-based model with associated experiential learning experiences withpracticum coursesNUTR695 orthey arepartof thegraduateplanof study. Completionofthesecoursesatanyother NDMS semester other thanwhat isindicatedbelowwill not be considered for prior assessed learningof competency completionor transfer credits. Thereare7 semesters in the NDMS program.
    1. NUTR487ProfessionalismI(1credit)NDMSSemester1Fall
    2. NUTR488ProfessionalismII(1credit)NDMSSemester3Fall
    3. NUTR523MedicalNutritionTherapyI(3credits)NDMSSemester3Fall
    4. NUTR695Practicum(3credits)NDMSSemester3Fall
    5. NUTR525MedicalNutritionTherapyII(3credits)NDMSSemester4Spring
    6. NUTR560Nutrigenomics(3credits)NDMSSemester3Fall
    7. NUTR695Practicum(3credits)NDMSSemester4Spring
    8. Any 700 level graduate courses that may have been taken prior to acceptance into theNutrition and Dietetics (M.S.) program will not be considered as a transfer credit and will not be considered as prior assessedlearning for completion of competencies.

Program Application Process

Students admittedto theNDMSmuststarttheprogram inthefallsemester.Aspring orsummersemesterstart isnotavailablefortheNDMS.Themaximumnumberofapplicantsacceptedintotheprogrameachyearis20.

Thepriority deadlineforapplications isby April1of eachyear.Applicationscanbesubmitted asearly as February 1eachyear for a fallsemester startinthe sameyear.Applications willnot beacceptedprior to February 1for afallsemester start in thesameyear andapplicationswillnot berevieweduntil April 1.


If the number of applications by April 1 is 20 or less, applicants who meet eligibility and prerequisite courserequirementswillbeconditionally acceptedintotheprogramandnotifiedas suchbytheNDMS Program Director by April 5.

Ifthenumber ofapplicants whomeeteligibilityandprerequisitecourserequirementsexceeds 20by the April 1 deadline:

  • The NDMS Program Director will request additional information (personal statement and references) be submitted by April 10.
  • An internal selection committee of faculty/staff will evaluate and score applications. Applicants will be notified ofthe committee’s decision todecline, wait-list, conditionally accept byApril 20.
  • Students on the waitlist will be notified no later than August 30th of official acceptance into the NDMS Program. Acceptance is dependent on: one of the 20 slots becoming available, all prerequisites met prior to fall start date, met all GPA requirements. Students will have 24 hours to accept or decline the offer.

Ifthenumber ofapplicants whomeet eligibilityandprerequisitecourserequirementsis lessthan20 by April 1 with an application status of "OPEN" as indicated on the NDMS website, then:

  • Applications will be accepted on a rolling,(first come, first serve) basis with a final application deadline before the drop/add date of the fall semester, for start in the current year.
  • Qualifiedapplicantswhomeeteligibility and prerequisitecourserequirementswill beconditionally accepted and notified as such by the NDMS Program Director within a week ofsubmitting their application until the number of maximum program slots is filled.
  • If qualifiedapplicants submitan application onthe sameday andthe numberof remainingstudent slots cannot accommodate all applicants; the Program Director will request additionalinformation (personal statement and references) to be submitted and scored by faculty to determine which student(s) are accepted to fill remaining NDMS program openings.

Program eligibility andprerequisitecourses must be met by thetimeframesindicatedor students willnot be allowed tostart theNDMS program. Inthisinstance, studentswillbe advisedon thebest courseforwardand may choosetoapply totheNDMSprogram inthefutureif requirementsaremetormay continuestudiesinthe Nutrition and Dietetics (B.S.) program.

Graduate School Application

Students admitted to the Nutrition and Dietetics(M.S.) program will remain an undergraduate until program requirements have been met for completion of the bachelor’sdegree in nutrition and dietetics which requires 120 undergraduate credits, completed at the conclusion of the 4th semester in the Nutrition and Dietetics (M.S.) program which occursduring the spring semester. During the 3rdand 4thsemester in the Nutrition and Dietetics (M.S.) program, studentswill begin taking some graduate-level courses that will count towardscompletion of their bachelor’s degreeand willalso be applied for credit towardstheir master’s degree innutrition and dietetics. Ninecredits willcounttowardsthe bachelor’s andmaster’s degree aspart of theNutritionandDietetics (M.S.) program plan ofstudy. The SDSU graduate school application must be completed at least1-2 semesters before taking graduate courses. Therefore, the Nutrition and Dietetics(M.S.) program student will need tocompletetheir graduate school application during the2nd semester in the Nutrition and Dietetics(M.S.) program whichoccursinthespring withtheterm for beginning graduate classes asthe 3rdsemester inthe program which will be a fall semester.

GraduateSchoolapplicationandadmissionminimum requirements:

  • Graduate schoolapplication
  • Graduateschooladmissionrequirements

Nutrition andDietetics(M.S.)program studentswill berequired tocompleteaRequest toUseGraduate Creditto Fulfill Undergraduate Degree Requirement (2:22) form at the start of Nutrition and Dietetics(M.S.) program semester 3 for courses NUTR 523 Medical Nutrition Therapy I and NUTR 560 Nutrigenomics. This form will also need tobecompletedat thestart of semester 4 for NUTR 525MedicalNutritionTherapy II.Theform can be found at SDSU Policies and Procedures, Academic Forms.

Prior Assessed Learning

Prior assessedlearning may be granted for certain coursesand ACEND competencies. Please refer to the coursesand conditions listed under the program eligibility sectionof this handbook forpriorassessed learning (PAL)eligibility. The numberof requiredsupervised experiential learning experiencesplanned hourswill notbe reducedbased onprior assessedlearning.Any coursediscipline feesarealso notreducedfrom prior assessed learning.

Students acceptedintothe Nutrition and Dietetics(M.S.) program whomeet PAL eligibility willberequired to completeevidenceof competency completion for applicablecompetenciesattachedtospecific classes prior to thestart of their first semester in theprogram. The Program Director willprovideclear guidanceon the competenciesand evidence requiredand willevaluate each ona case-by-case basis to determine ifthe student has “passed” the competency.Studentswhodonotprovideadequate evidencefrom apreviousSDSU course todetermine if acompetency hasbeenpassed, willnot be required tore-takethecoursebut willbe required to complete an alternative practice experience assignment as directed by the Program Director. As noted under the program eligibility section of thishandbook, certaincoursesareNOT consideredfor prior assessed learning.

Program Costs

Table 3: Estimated Costs of the Nutrition and Dietetics M.S. Program

Tuition and Fees

Year 1
Semesters 1-2
35 Undergraduate Credits

Year 2
Semesters 3-4
18 Undergraduate Credits, 15 Graduate Credits

Year 3
Semesters 5-7
24 Graduate Credits












Coursediscipline fees***




Supervised practice/InternshipFee*** *(total of $9549,)







$15,269.65 Resident




UG =UndergraduateCredit,GR =GraduateCredit
*Tuition is calculatedbased onnumber of credithoursfor undergraduate andgraduate credits, accessedfrom SDSUTuitionand Fees.UGResidentTuition =$259.10/credit, UG Non-ResidentTuition =$376.10/credit, UG Child of AlumniTuition= $259.10/credit, GR Resident Tuition = $340.15/credit, GR Non-Resident Tuition = $654.05/credit
***CourseDisciplineFees:NUTR/HMGTprefixcourses=$29.70/credit,NURS/HSC=$103.50/credit,HLTH= $21.30/credit,CHRD=$26.35/credit,MGMT=$30.35/credit,STAT=$42.35/credit
Year2Course Discipline FeesCalculation: NUTR/HMGT(20credits)= $460+ HLTH (5credits)= $106.50, CHRD (3 credits) = $79.05
****Thesupervisedpractice/internship program feebaseis $9,540. Students acceptedinto thisprogram will pay a discipline fee of $530/credit hour for NUTR 695 (6 credits) and NUTR 794 (12 credits) for a total of $9,540. This feeissubject toa0-2%increase/year dependent onthe institutionalpolicy. This feecoversthe costsassociatedwith practice examsfor the registration exam for dietitians, a portion of the program director salary, the salary for the clinical preceptorsfor practicum, supplemental intern training materials, professional developmentforpreceptors,ACEND annualaccreditationfees,professional development-related expensesfor program director andinterns and printing, telephone,supplies etc. relatedto theprogram.

Table 4: Other Costs of the Nutrition and Dietetics M.S. Program





Graduateapplication fee








Drug testing if required by supervisedpractice site




Immunizationsif applicable






$50–200/month X 9 months=$450–1,800$50-200/month X 6 months=$300-1,200











Student professional membership to Academyof Nutrition andDietetics












*Housing is highlyvariable. On campus housing information can be obtained from Tuition and Fees. Off-campushousinginformationcanbeobtainedat Off-Campus Housing.

Financial Aid

Students must beadmitted asdegree-seeking students.Student financialassistance programsare administered through the studentFinancial Aid Office in the Enrollment Services Center and may be contactedat605-688-4695 or email formoreinformation.Graduateassistantships, fellowships andtraineeshipsareadministered by thedepartmentor program involved.Studentsenrolled in SDSU certificateprogramsarenot eligiblefor federalstudent financialaid. The non-federalalternative loan programsmay be used for students meeting the lender criteria asfound at Alternative and Private Loans. Please contact the SDSU Financial Aid Office if you have any questions.

Graduatestudentsmust beadmittedas degree-seeking studentsandbe takingat least fivecreditsper semester to beeligiblefor FederalFinancial Aid. Any prior student loans must be deferred. Thefollowing information is inserteddirectly from the SDSU Graduate School Catalog ( financialassistance programsareadministered through thestudentFinancialAid OfficeintheEnrollmentServicesCenter.They may becontactedat605-688-4695 or email formoreinformation. Graduateassistantships,fellowships and traineeships are administered by the department or program involved. Students enrolled in SDSU certificate programsare not eligiblefor federal student financial aid. The non-federal alternative loan programsmay be used for students meetingthelender criteriaas found atAlternative and Private Loans. Please contact the SDSU Financial Aid Office if you have any questions.

Nutrition and Dietetics M.S. Handbook: General Program Information (2024)


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