Meet Carmen Studer — CARMEN STUDER (2024)

Carmen's coaching journey began when she 'discovered'the now famous personal development guru Byron Katie.Carmen regularly jokes that she found Byron Katie and "The Work" long before Oprah Winfrey did. In 1994 Byron Katie certified Carmen in "The Work"before life coach certification became en vogue. Carmen developed her own coaching systems in 2016. She created it to heal herself, but when she began sharing it with her friends and family she found them saying things like "I feel like I should pay you".

Carmen's magic bullet is her "Dragonfly" range of positive perspective. She has the ability to translate and share emotional concepts using simple infographic style worksheets. This helps her clients leverage their positive possibilities and improve their lives. She helps people open their hearts, minds and eyes to an expanded personal universe. She calls herself "An Aggressive Sharer". Her love for people and her intuitive abilities allow her to connect with most anyone's highest self.... this has afforded her the privilege of helping incredible people improve their "point of attraction". Once someone can control their point of attraction the universe complies with their creations.

Carmen answers a few questions:

What make's you different?

1. Big Results. I lead people in. Many Life Coaches lead people towards their outer goals. I lead people to themselves and their outer life conforms naturally. Inner mastery...I believe in a real heaven within. I tell my clients from day one that they don't need me... and that there is an entire universe of wisdom they have exclusive access to through their own inner being. It is exciting to share this with people who have no idea about the gifts that wait quietly within. Innovative and original thinking isn't just for prophets. True wealth, health, and connection begins in the heart.....I hope to resonate with people at the highest soul level. I want people to feel the truth of who they are in their bones, and find themselves with blissful chills because they finally remember. And when they sync up with their original soul, they are indeed more powerful than they have ever been.

2. I use science to prove spirit. Not many people are aware that scientific facts (all that I am aware of) give more credentials to Law of Attraction than almost anyone in the spiritual arena. The human mind needs proof (though, I do work to help people trust with faith and not credentials) . Physics are on my side. I actually watch the top physicists on a regular basis to keep current. Holographic physics is especially interesting to me. What we shed light on begins to appear in our life... just like a hologram.

3. I love what I do. I hear many life coaches struggle with energy loss after a work session, I do not have that issue. I have never felt depleted after a work session with a client. Just the opposite, everyone leaves feeling inspired, including me.

4. I lean heavily on the Law of Attraction (Law of Attraction is a subset of the Law of Vibration) It is as consistent as the Law of Gravity, once people begin seeing this, so many of life's mysteries disappear.

Something you are proud of? BEING A MOM! I home schooled both my kiddos...until 8th grade. When you teach your kids you get to know them in a new light. I have a deep bond with both my kiddos....greatest gift in the world.

What skill do you have that surprises people? I learned how to fly a plane when we lived in Eagle Vail Airport.

What's the best job you ever had? I have been blessed to have many experiences I have loved. I spent 11 years in the entertainment industry as a film producer. I was also very passionate about the charity I co-founded....OneHeart Projectwhere I spent 4 years mentoring and coaching youth straight out of prison. I also co-founded Entact a remedial and geotechnical construction company in 1991 with my ex-husband, we sold the company in 2001.

Why is there so much here that is movie related? It is who I am, and what I have done. I started working in the entertainment industry because of my daughter's success with acting. From there it flowed to my charity work, and now I am using all I have learned about creating great stories to help people create the greatest project of their lives. We are all the lead character in our own true stories.

What is the one KEY to abundant living? Connection. Connection brings joy, ecstasy, freedom, laughter, and bliss. If you enjoy those things, then connection is your KEY. Connection is a sneaking word for LOVE.

Love = Happiness

Happiness = Abundance

Abundance = Freedom

They are all the same 'frequency/spirit'.

What is your favorite part of working with people one on one?

When clients begin seeing the magic and text, email, or call me just to share the wonder of it all. And, when someone says "I have never thought of it from that perspective"....that is when I KNOW I have value added.

Meet Carmen Studer — CARMEN STUDER (2024)


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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.