81 total results
The Social Paradoxes in the Modern American Society (455 words, 1 pages)
We Fancy ourselves as hard-headed realists, but we will buy anything we see advertised, particularly on television, and we buy it not with reference to the quality or the value of the product, but directly as a result of the number of times we have heard it mentioned. Before I ... Read More
Dynamic and Static Characters in Arthur Miller’s Play The Crucible (632 words, 1 pages)
In the Arthur Millers play The Crucible there are two many kinds of characters dynamic and static complex characters. The dynamic character in the play is Reverend Hale. The main static complex character is Abigail Williams. Reverend Hale is a dynamic character because of the major changes he goes through ... Read More
The Role of Theocracy in The Crucible, a Play by Arthur Miller (888 words, 2 pages)
The Crucible EssayTheocracy is a form of government in which a society is managed by religious officials and the states legal system is entirely based on religious rule. It originated in the first century A.D. when Josephus Flavius explained the organization and political system of the Jewish government and argued ... Read More
John Proctor as the Sane Human in The Crucible, a Play by Arthur Miller (621 words, 1 pages)
The crucibleArthur Miller's The Crucible, based on the Salem Witch Trials of 1692, was written based off the Red Scare, or the fear of communism in the 1950's. Both the issues were a war on ideas. In this 'war' there was no way to prove innocence, and accusations were based ... Read More
A Severe Test of Characters in Judgement in The Crucible, a Play by Arthur Miller (1269 words, 4 pages)
THE CRUCIBLE A crucible is a large heat resistant container used to melt and fusemetals and ores at very high temperatures, thus it is a severe test ortrial. In the play The Crucible by Arthur Miller, all of the charactersare put through a "severe test or trial" of character and ... Read More
Fear as a Key Motivating Factor in The Crucible by Arthur Miller (859 words, 2 pages)
Fear is a key motivating factor in the events of The Crucible. Discuss In The Crucible, playwright Arthur Miller presents the true historical events of witchcraft trials held in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692 as a consequence of the hysterical fear that grips citizens when faced with social conflict. During the ... Read More
The Use of the Literary Element Irony in The Crucible, a Play by Arthur Miller (1015 words, 2 pages)
Crucible Timed WriteThe crucible is a wonderfully articulated play that contains riveting dialogue and emotion. Arthur Millers use of various literary elements has allowed him to construct a piece that excites a variety of responses from the reader audience. One of these literary elements, irony, impresses the full emotion of ... Read More
The Lies and Hiding of the Truth in the Salem Witch Trials in The Crucible by Arthur Miller (575 words, 2 pages)
What is truth? Is it reality? People may believe in different truths in this case, the truth is simply a person's beliefs. From this standpoint, people with different beliefs will hold different truths. Others, including Judge Danforth, would argue that honesty and integrity yield the truth. However, what if someone ... Read More
Puritans in The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne and The Crucible by Arthur Miller (601 words, 2 pages)
Sweet Abominable RevengeThe Puritans lived a very strict lifestyle which often led to a community full of vengeance and deceit. This culture led to people living a dishonest life in order to protect their dignity. The Puritans believed in predestination, the concept that humans are sinners at heart, which meant ... Read More
Character Analysis of Reverend Hale in the Crucible, a Play by Arthur Miller (736 words, 3 pages)
Reverend Hale is a dynamic character in Arthur Miller's play, The Crucible. Reverend Hale's attitude changes completely throughout the entire play from act one all the way through act 4. Once Reverend Parris saw a hand full of girls including his niece Abigail, Tituba, and Betty dancing and conjuring spirits ... Read More
Arthur Miller’s The Crucible as a Response to the Real Life Actions of Joseph McCarthy (1261 words, 2 pages)
The Witch HearingsThere are strong parallels between Arthur Millers The Crucible and the history it depicts and the reign of terror that the 1950s era of McCarthyism repeated. These two historical events are linked by several commonalities a lack of intelligent discussion, public hysteria, threats, fear and finally, the presumption ... Read More
John Proctor’s Character Analysis in the Crucible by Arthur Miller (451 words, 1 pages)
The historic happenings of the Salem Witch Trials are told in the story of the Crucible. In the Crucible, the main character is John Proctor. John Proctor is a tragic hero who is a great man but has one single flaw, pride, which will lead to his destruction.John Proctor is ... Read More
Abuses in Power Masked by the Salem Witch Hunt (1231 words, 2 pages)
ESSAY SALEMIn 1692 in Salem Massachusetts a horrible chain of events occurred. A massive witch hunt began and a tidal wave of fear and suspicion swept over the tight knit Puritan town of Salem. A small group of girls began accusing the townspeople of witchcraft and the majority of the ... Read More
Anger, Hate and Manipulation in the Crucible by Arthur Miller (467 words, 1 pages)
It is a play with tremendous feelings with many inside twists hidden in the archives of the true story. It is a play with emotional feelings, feelings of anger, hate, evil, manipulation, good, and pureness. It is the The Crucible. In the play, Arthur Miller develops the idea that powerfully ... Read More
The Heartfelt Tale of Agony and Devotion in Arthur Miller’s Play “The Crucible” (1890 words, 3 pages)
Back in the 1950's, when insecurity permeated the air, and people were ruled by fear, Arthur Miller wrote a play, which defined the line between insecurity and fear. The Crucible was a remade story of the carnal Salem Witch trials, in which many innocent victims lost their lives. Through this ... Read More
An Interpretation of Arthur Miller’s Play “The Crucible” (1187 words, 2 pages)
Lauren Seaman92500Period E The Truth Comes OutIn the play, The Crucible, written by Arthur Miller, Americans face pressure to conform in the town of Salem, Massachusetts in 1692. The witch trials bring about the hidden truths about the citizens of Salem, and in fact are not really about witchcraft. Everyone ... Read More
An Analysis of the Character of Judge Danforth in the Play, The Crucible by Arthur Miller (736 words, 3 pages)
"I can't believe the news today, I can't close my eyes, and make it go away."-Hewson Judges, by their very nature, are used to protect and uphold certain societal values whichthe majority deems necessary. If you ignore the majority, then you become somewhat of atyrant, if you ignore the minority, ... Read More
The Themes of Witch Trials and Evil in Arthur Miller’s Play The Crucible (389 words, 2 pages)
The witch trials in Salem, Massachusetts in the early sixteen hundredswas a time of uneasiness and suspicion. Anyone could easily turn in his orher neighbor on the ground of witchcraft. Someone could merely say theirneighbor's spirit had attacked t hem during the night, which no man canprove. Nevertheless, as a ... Read More
The Gullibility of Common People in the Crucible by Arthur Miller (415 words, 2 pages)
The Crucible Fooled By the Innocence of YouthIn the play "The Crucible" by Arthur Miller, Miller displays how easilypeople can be fooled by the innocence of youth. He also exposes the gullibilityof common people, even people such as Danforth and Hathorne, who play the roleof the "wise" judges. A single ... Read More
An Analysis of the Character John Proctor from The Crucible, a Play by Arthur Miller (1201 words, 2 pages)
It was with ardent horror that the prehistoric man first witnessed a solar eclipse---the sun swallowed by the predator moon until all light ceased and darkness fell on to the land. We, the more enlightened descendants, have also suffered eclipses. One such eclipse was the darkness of evil that fell ... Read More
How Easily People Can Be Fooled as Portrayed in Arthur Miller’s Play “The Crucible” (407 words, 2 pages)
In the play "The Crucible" by Arthur Miller,Miller displays how easily people can be fooled by theinnocence of youth. He also exposes the gullibility ofcommon people, even people such as Danforth andHathorne, who play the role of the "wise" judges. A singlegirl, Abigail, causes the downfall of the whole society.Abigail ... Read More
An Analysis of the Topic of the Witch Trials in Salem (383 words, 2 pages)
The witch trials in Salem, Massachusetts in the early sixteen hundreds was a time of uneasiness and suspicion. Anyone could easily turn in his or her neighbor on the ground of witchcraft. Someone could merely say their neighbor's spirit had attacked them during the night, which no man can prove. ... Read More
A Literary Analysis of American Face in the Crucible by Arthur Miller (1187 words, 2 pages)
Lauren Seaman92500Period E The Truth Comes OutIn the play, The Crucible, written by Arthur Miller, Americans face pressure to conform in the town of Salem, Massachusetts in 1692. The witch trials bring about the hidden truths about the citizens of Salem, and in fact are not really about witchcraft. Everyone ... Read More
The Intentions of the Wicked in the Play, The Crucible by Arthur Miller (461 words, 1 pages)
It is a play with tremendous feelings with many inside twists hidden in the archives of the true story. It is a play with emotional feelings, feelings of anger, hate, evil, manipulation, good, and pureness. It is the The Crucible. In the play, Arthur Miller develops the idea that powerfully ... Read More
The Details of the Infamous Witch Trials in Salem, Massachusetts (383 words, 2 pages)
The witch trials in Salem, Massachusetts in the early sixteen hundreds was a time of uneasiness and suspicion. Anyone could easily turn in his or her neighbor on the ground of witchcraft. Someone could merely say their neighbor's spirit had attacked them during the night, which no man can prove. ... Read More
Courage at Its Best in the Story of Mary Warren and John Proctor (841 words, 4 pages)
Youre the Devils man! (118), Mary Warren cried out when she accused John Proctor of working for the devil. Courage is defined as mental or moral strength to face danger without fear. This is supported in Arthur Millers The Crucible. Throughout the Salem witch trials in the 1600s, courage was ... Read More
The Thought That Death Is Not in Our Possession in The Crucible by Arthur Miller (1890 words, 7 pages)
Back in the 1950's, when insecurity permeated the air, and people were ruled byfear, Arthur Miller wrote a play, which defined the line between insecurity andfear. The Crucible was a remade story of the carnal Salem Witch trials, in whichmany innocent victims lost their lives. Through this play Miller is ... Read More
An Analysis of the Main Characters in The Crucible by Arthur Miller (383 words, 2 pages)
The witch trials in Salem, Massachusetts in the early sixteen hundredswas a time of uneasiness and suspicion. Anyone could easily turn in his orher neighbor on the ground of witchcraft. Someone could merely say theirneighbor's spirit had attacked them during the night, which no man canprove. Nevertheless, as a God-fearing ... Read More
Guilt and Remorse as the Two Prevalent Forces in Arthur Miller’s “The Crucible” (1156 words, 2 pages)
Guilt and remorse are two prevalent forces that haunt the characters in Arthur Millers The Crucible. People throughout that play change significantly as a result of the deaths of many key figures. Remorse comes about within the hearts of many characters in the play and has a drastic impact on ... Read More
The Sinful Confessions in Arthur Miller’s the Crucible (1059 words, 2 pages)
It was with ardent horror that the prehistoric man first witnessed a solar eclipse---the sun swallowed by the predator moon until all light ceased and darkness fell on to the land. We, the more enlightened descendants, have also suffered eclipses. One such eclipse was the darkness of evil that fell ... Read More
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Published: Friday 25th of January 2013