32 Vegan Recipes You Can Make With Canned Vegetables And Other Ingredients You Already Have At Home (2024)

    Do you have canned tomatoes, frozen peas, and rice or quinoa in your kitchen? Then you're in luck.

    by Whitney JeffersonBuzzFeed Staff
    32 Vegan Recipes You Can Make With Canned Vegetables And Other Ingredients You Already Have At Home (2)

    Victoria Reyes / BuzzFeed

    In this new normal the world is adjusting to, we are all cooking a lot more in our own kitchens. Maybe you have been dusting off the canned vegetables in your pantry lately, as I have, and have reached into the deepest depths of your freezer to make dinners. With that in mind, here are 32 recipes that are easily made with ingredients you probably already have in your home.

    If you have canned or frozen peas...

    The Curious Chickpea / Via thecuriouschickpea.com

    You can use any pasta you have on hand to mix in with the whipped pea ricotta that this recipe outlines. The ultimate comfort food.

    Wallflower Kitchen / Via wallflowerkitchen.com

    These fritters are made from frozen peas and just a few other ingredients, so you'll be able to make this recipe pretty much whenever you want to!

    From My Bowl / Via frommybowl.com

    Frozen peas and five other ingredients combine in this recipe to make a savory and soothing green pea soup.

    Vegan Richa / Via veganricha.com

    If you have potatoes on hand, you can whip up this recipe in less than 30 minutes.

    Veggie Chick / Via veggiechick.com

    This recipe for curried peas and lentils is delicious on its own or served over grains like quinoa, rice, or barley.

    If you have canned tomatoes...

    Lazy Cat Kitchen / Via lazycatkitchen.com

    Dust off your canned tomatoes and follow this recipe to create a delicious homemade tomato sauce that you can use on anything.

    The Curious Chickpea / Via thecuriouschickpea.com

    What's better than baked ziti? Not much, in my opinion. Excite your family (or roommates) with this easy-to-make recipe that looks much harder to make than it actually is.

    Loving It Vegan / Via lovingitvegan.com

    You'll be surprised at how rich and creamy this recipe is when you make it at home for yourself.

    Connoisseurus Veg / Via connoisseurusveg.com

    If you have some extra beans and polenta on hand, may I recommend this tasty recipe for polenta casserole?

    If you have canned or dried chickpeas...

    Running on Real Food / Via runningonrealfood.com

    This simple recipe is something you can quickly whip up with little more than cans of chickpeas.

    Cookie and Kate / Via cookieandkate.com

    If you have a food processor or high-speed blender, you can turn a can of chickpeas into the best hummus you've ever had with this recipe.

    Vegan Heaven / Via veganheaven.org

    Perfect for a snack, salad topping, or side dish, this recipe for roasted chickpeas is nearly impossible to stop munching on when fresh out of the oven.

    Simple Vegan Blog / Via simpleveganblog.com

    You can use fresh or frozen spinach for this chickpea dish recipe (which you can make in one pot).

    Nora Cooks / Via noracooks.com

    Everyone enjoys falafel! Learn how to make your own with this recipe.

    Healthier Steps / Via healthiersteps.com

    Perfect for a cold winter's night, this recipe for chickpea stew is super filling. If you have grains like rice or quinoa around, you could pour the stew over some of that as well.

    If you have quinoa...

    Veggie Chick / Via veggiechick.com

    If you have quinoa on hand but not fresh kale, feel free to substitute frozen kale, spinach, or another leafy green in this recipe.

    Monkey & Me / monkeyandmekitchenadventures.com

    Believe it — this gluten-free bread recipe is made from 1 cup of quinoa that's been blended with spices.

    Vegan Huggs / Via veganhuggs.com

    This recipe for quinoa-stuffed peppers has a gorgeous presentation and is super filling. (I would know — we have this at least once a week for dinner in my house!)

    Simple Veganista / Via simple-veganista.com

    This recipe is a delicious alternative to your regular fried rice meals.

    Feasting at Home / Via feastingathome.com

    When it comes to making the quinoa cakes, you need little more than 1 cup of quinoa and and herbs. When it comes to the relish, feel free to substitute any vegetables or beans you have on hand!

    Minimalist Baker / Via minimalistbaker.com

    I'm happy to report that this recipe for quinoa-based taco meat is a regular in my house. Try it with tacos, in taco salads, in quesadillas, or anything else you can think of!

    May I Have That Recipe / Via mayihavethatrecipe.com

    Make your own paella with the quinoa you have on hand with this recipe that's gluten-free, too!

    If you have canned or dried beans...

    From My Bowl / Via frommybowl.com

    This recipe for vegan chili is simple to throw together and the ultimate crowd-pleaser.

    Connoisseurus Veg / Via connoisseurusveg.com

    Forget about the talking dog and his secrets, this recipe is the true winner when it comes to baked beans.

    The Simple Veganista / Via simple-veganista.com

    If you have two cans of pinto beans, you can easily make this recipe for refried beans. A perfect side dish for any meal!

    The Live-In Kitchen / Via theliveinkitchen.com

    This recipe calls for a can of butter beans, vegetable broth, and spices. Easy to make and so versatile!

    If you have rice...

    Eat With Clarity / Via eatwithclarity.com

    This recipe for Mexican rice makes use of onions, garlic, red peppers, and many of the spices in your spice cabinet.

    Amy Le Creations / Via amylecreations.com

    This recipe calls for ingredients you almost definitely have in your house already, including frozen peas.

    Vegan Huggs / Via veganhuggs.com

    Pretend like you're going out for Chinese food (instead of eating at home...again) with this recipe for pineapple fried rice.

    Strength and Sunshine / Via strengthandsunshine.com

    This recipe uses jackfruit in the "dirty rice," which helps to make this dish a complete meal.

    Ela Vegan / Via elavegan.com

    If you have a can of coconut milk or coconut cream on hand, you'll be able to whip up this bright-yellow rice recipe in no time.

    Connoisseurus Veg / Via connoisseurusveg.com

    Cinnamon, maple syrup, and brown rice combine to make a sweet and savory dessert recipe that the whole family can enjoy.

    If you want more quarantine-friendly recipes, give these a try!

    24 Vegan Baking Ideas For Anyone Who's Been Stress-Baking Lately

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    20 Recipes That’ll Help You Meal Prep Your WFH Lunches

    32 Vegan Recipes You Can Make With Canned Vegetables And Other Ingredients You Already Have At Home (2024)


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    Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

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    Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.